We hopen op uw steun..

Laatste: Informatie, AppsICT 03/04/2020: 11:00 - 7 miljoen maskers extra.

Oproepen (09/04/2020)
Media - Evennementen (19/04/2020)
Shops (10/04/2020)
Donaties (14/04/2020)

We hopen op uw steun..


    --> -->
    Python 3.9.2: /usr/bin/python3
    Fri Sep 20 12:23:15 2024

    A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

     /var/www/blijfinuwkot/hopen.py in <module>
         97 if (aantalparameters == 1):
         98         l_CatId = form["CatId"].value
    =>   99         show_articles(l_CatId)
        100         show_articles(1)
    show_articles = <function show_articles>, l_CatId = '5'
     /var/www/blijfinuwkot/hopen.py in show_articles(p_CatId='5')
         54         for sl in row1:
         55                 print('<ul class="list-group">')
    =>   56                 print('<li class="list-group-item"><b>' + sl[1].encode('utf-8') + '</b><br/><br/>')
         57                 print(sl[2].encode('utf-8'))
         58                 l_date = sl[3]
    builtin print = <built-in function print>, sl = (22, 'Oproep - Help De Helpers!', 'Er worden zowel in ziekenhuizen als in zorgcentr...e hulpverleners kunnen zich hier inschrijven!</a>', 1586124000, 'AppsICT', '../img/not.jpg'), ].encode undefined

    TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str
          args = ('can only concatenate str (not "bytes") to str',)
          with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of TypeError object>